Micro Fish (Pre Order)
Recogida disponible en 10 Massachusetts Avenue
Normalmente está listo en 24 horas

Style: Clown Killiefish
10 Massachusetts Avenue
Recogida disponible, normalmente está listo en 24 horas10 Massachusetts Avenue
Lunenburg MA 01462
Estados Unidos9786273074
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We are proud to say that we hand pick each one of our in store and Pre-Ordered Fish. No fish are delivered to us.
Most of these Micro fish are perfect for desk tops, nano and shrimp tanks.
Beckfordi Red Pencilfish, Clown Killiefish, Dwarf Gold Checkerboard Barb, Erythromicron Rasbora / Emerald Dwarf, Microrasbora Kubotai, Norman's Lampeye Killifish, Platinum Dwarf Barb, Scarlet Badis, Assorted Japanese Medaka Rice Fish (pink,black,silver), Burmese Pink Loach, Chelada Burjoi (Orange Flying Fish), Dwarf Anchor Catfish (Mini Moth), Chili Rasbora, Ember Tetra, Galaxy Celestial Rasbora, Red Fin Rasbora (Rubrodoesalis), Ruby Tetra (Wild), Wrestling Halfbeak Fish