Caballero Gobio

Disponibilidad : En stock Hacer un pedido Agotado
Los Gobios Caballeros se consideran moderadamente fáciles de cuidar en el acuario doméstico. Son tolerantes a una amplia gama de parámetros del agua y no son quisquillosos con la hora de comer. Sin embargo, no se llevan bien con algunos peces y otros, si son lo suficientemente pequeños, pueden considerarse una comida potencial.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Service and price on animals is bad.

Problem with the store is they don't have all the stock fishes in store names and price. They also don't have a return policy on fishes. I had a problem with a fish that I bought and 7 day for return. I couldn't keep it in my tank so I called and the lady kept saying to me that she will reach out to John. Took my number down and never hear anything back. They seem good people but bad services with customers and getting back in return. If you shop here. Be careful when buying any animal. I supported them but they don't show support back so I rather go and get other fishes farther away then here. Thanks for not helping second time. I'll remember.